When Loraine Darcy at the Healthcare Commission answered our questions in writing, regarding the problems of the safeguarding issues (see Some Answers Arrive But Promote More Questions), we found the need to ask further questions.
I e-mailed her and asked to be told about the content of the telephone conversations, which she had mentioned, between the Healthcare Commission and Anne Berry at UBHT / University Hospitals Bristol NHS FoundationTrust. I also asked for details of the Healthcare Commission's procedures on safeguarding issues.
After three weeks we were wondering why no response had been received so I e-mailed her again, asking if she could let us know when we might expect a response.
Her answer was quite evasive. She claims to have no knowledge of the content of the telephone conversations and suggest we contact Anne Berry about this - we think NOT!!!
She also says that our request for information about the Healthcare Commission's procedures on safeguarding issues should be directed to their information access department.
The result of this is that all our queries on this issue have now had to be directed to the information access department under the data protection / freedom of information act.
Do they think we have nothing better to do with our time?
1 comment:
OOHH the old Data Protection and Freedom of Information Card shuffle is it?
Uhmmm... I know a lovely website called http://www.whatdotheyknow.com where freedom of information access requests can be made. The responses are public too!
It's a great place to ask questions, and to make sure that a response is made, policies made public and even that the FOI procedures are followed!
January 8, 2009 2:53 PM
(reposted by moderator April 09 after technical changes)
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