Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The SecretPlan!

During all this wasted time it seemed that Hari had been upsetting the 'powers that be', by her refusal to present them with an emergency with regard to her health.

Their immediate plan had been to await an emergency situation and abuse that, as a means to enable them to railroad her inpatient care into the adult hospital.

In fact, Judith Armstrong, Modern Matron, wrote in her letter to Anne Berry on May 8th, 2008:

'The most likely forthcoming episode would involve an emergency admission, under the orthopaedic team to address hip pain. I will write a brief letter to Dr. Goldsworthy, Consultant Paediatrician, A&E, BRHC; the Outreach Team, BRHC; and Ward 35 nursing staff, reiterating that, should Hari present to A&E, BRHC, she must immediately be transferred to A&E, BRI, for assessment and intervention within adult services.'

So that was clearly the plan. They were waiting for an emergency and would then refuse to see or treat Hari at the Children's Hospital; they would railroad her into the adult hospital and ignore all the associated risks. This was hardly a professional attitude; indeed it was a shocking attitude from a Modern Matron who's remit is to improve patient care!

However, we were not entirely surprised at this attitude. There had been an earlier instance, on the day that Hari was being discharged as an inpatient from the Children's Hospital, which displayed the same unprofessional attitude.

There is a myth in the NHS that the curtains around the beds are soundproof - they are NOT!

The curtains were around Hari's bed and we could hear the discussion about the transfer of her care to the adult hospital taking place near the nurses station. (Everybody else within range could hear it aswell!)

We clearly heard an irate announcement:

'Just get her notes together and push her over there NOW!'

And yes - we DO know who the voice belonged to!

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