Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Delays Engineered By UBHT / University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.

And so we encounter yet another delay in the process.

This morning I received an e-mail from Ian Howe at the Healthcare Commission which confirmed what we had been suspecting all weekend. Yet again UBHT / University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust have failed to supply the copies of Hari's notes and the complaints file, to the Healthcare Commission, by the agreed date.

The Healthcare Commission need these papers in order to proceed with the independent review, so the trust's failure to supply the papers is preventing the review from going ahead.

Consequently any resolution of the problems is being delayed further and Hari is still left with no appropriate and safe health care and no diagnosis.

We have to wonder if the trust have their own reasons for these continued delays, which are unacceptable and not in Hari's best interests.

1 comment:

BloomingPouf said...

These ongoing delays seem to indicate ongoing breaches of The Data Protection Act 1998 by this Trust.

I am surprised that the Health care Commission not asked with more vigour.

Is it that the files can't be released due to ongoing legal matters... such as staff disciplinary action that has to be concluded prior to other matters such as Harri's needs being addressed?

This all smacks of a nest of vipers... and Harri seems to be of little to no interest where the Trust is concerned! Nothing New There Then!

January 8, 2009 2:21 PM
(reposted by moderator April 09 after technical changes)